A coffee shop is not a workplace

Don’t get me wrong, you can work at a coffee shop. But there are plenty of drawbacks to trying to work out a coffee shop on a daily basis. Ask me how I know… I did it for two years


Think about all the noise at a coffee shop. Folks having conversations, the roar of an espresso machine, loud music. It can make it hard to concentrate on your own, let alone participate in a zoom call. Also, be sure you are the problem by talking loud on your phone.


In addition to the noise, coffee shops are bustling places with people in and out all day long. Don’t get me wrong, I am an avid people watcher. But this doesn’t help to work from that place.


We wouldn’t advise that you leave your laptop or belonging out. So many folks are moving all around that they could easily wander off. In addition to physical security, think about technology security. Public WiFi is inherently not secure.


When I used to work at a coffee shop I would feel compelled to purchase a drink every 2-3 hours. If you put in a solid day that can add up very quickly. Note Union Hall costs about the cost of a latte a day, and you get free Palace Coffee.

Missing office amenities

Coffee shops are not built to facilitate work, no printing, no conference rooms, no free snacks, no monitors.

In all, while working from coffee shops is commonplace be sure to follow the etiquette because baristas and owners frown on those that take advantage.

Learn about coworking, an alternative to working in a coffee shop that will embrace you work needs


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